Wichtiger Hinweis / Important notice

Die Webseite www.ph.tum.de wurde am 31.03.2023 eingefroren. Mit dem Zusammenschluss der Fakultäten Chemie und Physik zur TUM School of Natural Scienes finden Sie aktuelle Informationen dort.

The website www.ph.tum.de was frozen on 31.03.2023. With the merger of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics to form the TUM School of Natural Sciences, you will now find up-to-date information there.


Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar.

MCQST Summer Student Program

In order to nurture and advance young talents, the Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST) offers a Summer Student Program for undergraduate students from the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, electrical engineering, material science, or chemistry worldwide.


The program lasts from 2-29 August 2020, starting with an introductory week, including a welcome retreat in the Bavarian Alps. Mini lectures and laboratory visits provide an insight in the broader field of QST and the research environment in Munich. The remaining time of the stay is dedicated to a research project in collaboration with a junior researcher of one of the research groups of MCQST. This is an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in one of our groups. The participants will present the results of their projects to their peers and the MCQST community at a closing symposium at the end of the program.

The program covers accommodation, public transport and part of travel cost.

For more information see:


Program Poster:
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