Wichtiger Hinweis / Important notice

Die Webseite www.ph.tum.de wurde am 31.03.2023 eingefroren. Mit dem Zusammenschluss der Fakultäten Chemie und Physik zur TUM School of Natural Scienes finden Sie aktuelle Informationen dort.

The website www.ph.tum.de was frozen on 31.03.2023. With the merger of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics to form the TUM School of Natural Sciences, you will now find up-to-date information there.


Lunds University



Exchange places

  • Erasmus+ Studies: 2 students, 5 months each

Number of students that can be sent to the host university. Duration of the stay may be shorted or, if places are combined, longer than stated. Please also consider the overall duration allowed by the Erasmus+ program.

Study possibilities

  • Undergraduate / Bachelor
  • Postgraduate / Master

Languages of instruction and requirements

  • English

Information about studies

Only for nominated students

After successful application at TUM and nomination by our department to the partner university, you may follow their application process within the corresponding deadline:

  • Autumn/winter term: April 15
  • Spring/summer term: October 15

Please let us know if information is outdated or incorrect by contacting Maria Eckholt.

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