Wichtiger Hinweis / Important notice

Die Webseite www.ph.tum.de wurde am 31.03.2023 eingefroren. Mit dem Zusammenschluss der Fakultäten Chemie und Physik zur TUM School of Natural Scienes finden Sie aktuelle Informationen dort.

The website www.ph.tum.de was frozen on 31.03.2023. With the merger of the Faculties of Chemistry and Physics to form the TUM School of Natural Sciences, you will now find up-to-date information there.


Der Inhalt dieser Seite ist leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar.


Financial support for students of the master’s degree program Quantum Science & Technology (QST), a joint degree program at the two Physics departments of Technical University Munich (TUM) and Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich (LMU).

For every academic year, the Lothar and Sigrid Rohde Foundation will provide financial support for selected students of the master's degree program in Quantum Science & Technology for their stay abroad. Students will receive a scholarship of up to 400 Euros per month, up to a maximum of 6 months.

Application requirements

  • Above-average academic results
  • Social engagements within or outside of the University

Applications are to be submitted to Emel Özdemir by May, 5. All documents are to be submitted in 1 PDF file!

Your application should include the following documents:

  • a short motivation letter describing your intended stay abroad (max. 1 DIN A4 Page) covering the following points: a description of your plans, the intended length and location of your stay abroad, as well as your personal motivation for undertaking the trip,
  • Transcript of records (including your bachelor studies),
  • a CV including your education and work experiences,
  • a description of extra-curricular activities within or outside of the university's curriculum,
  • a statement of estimated costs. Using the template for calculation of costs, you estimate the costs and show how you plan to finance your stay abroad, including the information regarding any other form of financial support received (e.g BAföG, Scholarships, parents, loans),
  • a declaration of consent according to data protection law (DSGVO), see template consent to the processing of personal data,
  • a declaration agreeing to submit of a short report which summarizes your stay abroad within a month after your return to Germany,
  • a valid e-mail address and contact number, in case of further inquiries,
  • travel dates (arrival and return date).

The Rohde-scholarship is performance-related. Students will get the scholarship only once in a lifetime. There is no legal claim to receive the scholarship.

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