Jonathan Finley übernimmt Lehrstuhl für Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen und -Quantensysteme
Nachrichten aus dem Physik-Department - 2013-05-10

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finley takes over the Chair for Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems at the Walter Schottky Institut, succeeding from Prof. Dr. Gerhard Abstreiter. The additional resources available for the chair will allow Prof. Finley and his group to further expand and diversify their teaching and research activities, whilst retaining a strong focus on the physics of nanostructured semiconductors, nano-photonics and solid-state quantum optics.
Biography of Jonathan Finley
Jonathan Finley was born in 1972 in the U.K. and studied Pure and Applied Physics at the universities of Manchester and Sheffield, eventually obtaining a Ph.D. in experimental physics in 1998 working under the guidance of Prof. M. S. Skolnick, FRS, a leading figure in the fields of the physics of semiconductor nanostructures and microcavity polaritons. During his PhD thesis, his research focused on the use of optical spectroscopy to probe fundamental physical, electronic, optical and quantum processes in nanostructured III-V semiconductors.
After PhD, Jonathan Finley was awarded a Royal Society Research Fellowship and spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow (1998-2000) here at the Technical University of Munich working in the group of Prof. Dr. Abstreiter at the Walter Schottky Institut. During that period he worked on the development of quantum dot charge and spin memory devices. This project laid the foundation for the later demonstration that spin relaxation mediated by spin-orbit interactions is strongly suppressed in fully quantized nanostructures, research for which he was awarded the Walter Schottky Prize of the German Physical Society (DPG) in 2007.
After an 18-month stay at the Walter Schottky Institut, Jonathan Finley returned to the United Kingdom as a Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield where his attention focused on optical spectroscopy of single quantum dots using low temperature confocal microscopy. He returned to TUM in 2002 where, after brief tenure as a Max Planck Junior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, he was appointed C3 professor for Nanostructure Physics in the Physics Department in early 2003 at the age of 31, finally receiving tenure in 2007.
Jonathan Finley served as the Dean of Studies in the Physics faculty of TUM between 2009 and 2011 and was very proud to have been awarded the “Goldene Kreide” prize by the students of the faculty for good teaching in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2012. Moreover, he was extremely honoured to have been awarded the “Preis für gute Lehre” from the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Education in 2010 and the “Prize for Excellence in Teaching” from TUM in 2011.
Research at Finley’s new chair
The newly founded chair for Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems at the Walter Schottky Institut will explore a wide range of topics related to the fundamental physics of nanostructured materials and their quantum-electronic and -photonic properties. Members of the institute will study the unique electronic, photonic and quantum properties of materials patterned over nanometer lengthscales and explore how sub-components can be integrated together to realise entirely new materials with emergent properties. This convergence of materials-nanotechnology, quantum electronics and photonics is strongly interdisciplinary, spanning topics across the physical sciences, as well as materials science and engineering. Current research focuses on: (i) the development and exploration of quantum semiconductor nanomaterials such as artificial atoms, molecules and nanowires and two-dimensional crystals, (ii) nanophotonics including photonic crystals and plasmonic materials and their use to enhance interactions between light and matter and (iii) the manipulation and exploitation of quantum coherence in integrated nanosystems. Full details of lecture courses, seminars, Praktika and research topics being pursued are presented on the groups website.
Contact Tel: +49 89 289 12770 Fax: +49 89 289 12704
- Address
- Walter Schottky Institut Technische Universität München Am Coulombwall 4 85747 Garching Germany
- Research group Semiconductor Nanostructures and Quantum Systems / Prof. Finley
- Walter-Schottky-Institut
Photo: Astrid Eckert & Andreas Heddergott / TUM