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Present Challenges in Surface Science and Photon-Driven Phenomena at Interfaces
Colloquium and Workshop in Honor of Dietrich Menzel

Prof. Dietrich Menzel
We offer a flyer for download and printing:
pdf of the program (442 K).
On a separate page you will find a map and travel directions.
Program Colloquium
- Venue
- April 23rd, 2015, Physik-Department TU-München, Lecture Hall 2, Garching
Time | |
15:00 | Opening and Greetings |
15:15 | Surface Science Now: Solving Today’s Energy Problems
Prof. Cynthia M. Friend
Harvard University, Dept. of Chemistry & Chemical Biology; School of Engineering & Applied Sciences; Cambridge MA, USA
16:00 | Chemistry and Electron Dynamics of Molecules at Surfaces
Prof. Maki Kawai
University of Tokyo, Dept. of Advanced Materials Science; and: RIKEN, Executive Director; Tokyo, Japan
16:45 | Coffee Break |
17:15 | 4-D In-Water Holographic Microscopy for Environmental Studies at Any Depth
Prof. Hans J. Kreuzer
Dalhousie University, Dept. of Physics & Atmospheric Science; Halifax, Canada
18:00 | Laudationes
Prof. Alexander M. Bradshaw
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik; Garching, Germany; and: Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; Berlin, Germany
Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft; Berlin, Germany
18:30 | Bavarian Dinner |
Program Workshop
- Venue
- April 24th, 2015, IPP Lecture Hall, Garching
Time | |
8:50 | Opening |
9:00 | From Surface Science to Catalysis: A Golden Era
R.J. Madix, Harvard University
9:40 | Ionic Liquids Surface Science
H.-P. Steinrück, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
10:00 | Multiplets for the XPS of Heavy Elements: Identification of the Oxidation State
P. Bagus, University of North Texas
10:20 | Functional Covalent Nanoarchitectures: Investigation and Manipulation with Light and Local Probe Techniques
F. Klappenberger, TU München
10:40 | Coffee Break |
11:10 | Investigation of Site-Selective Bond Breaking Induced by Resonant Core-Excitations
S. Wada, Hiroshima University
11:30 | Reaction Kinetics by PEEM Imaging: Spatially- and Component-Resolved Measurements
Y. Suchorski, TU Wien
11:50 | Phonon-Mediated Electron Transport through CaO Thin Films
W.-D. Schneider, EPFL
12:10 | Shedding Light on Internal Interfaces
U. Höfer, Universität Marburg
12:30 | Ultrafast Magnetism and its Signature in the Electronic Structure
M. Weinelt, FU Berlin
12:50 | Lunch Break |
13:20 | Double Photoemission from Ag(001) Using a High-Order Harmonic Light Source
W. Widdra, Universität Halle
J. Kirschner, MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik, Halle
13:40 | Attosecond Band Gap Dynamics
M. Schultze, MPI für Quantenoptik, Garching
14:00 | Attosecond Time Resolved Photoemission Experiments on Surfaces of Layered Semiconductor Crystals
U. Heinzmann, Universität Bielefeld
14:20 | Ultrafast Screening and Transient Excitons at Metal Surfaces: Evidence from Multi-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy
B. Gumhalter, Institute of Physics, Zagreb
14:40 | Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy with Free-Electron Lasers
W. Wurth, Universität Hamburg & DESY Photon Science
15:00 | Poster Session with Drinks |
Contact / Organization
- Profs. Johannes Barth und Peter Feulner
- Lehrstuhl für Oberflächen- und GrenzflächenphysikTechnische Universität MünchenJames-Franck-Str. 185748 GarchingTel.: +49 89 289-12608E-Mail:
- Prof. Hans-Joachim Freund
- Department of Chemical PhysicsFritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-GesellschaftFaradayweg 4-614195 BerlinTel.: +49-30-8413-4100E-mail: